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Social Media Predictions for Your 2018 Strategy [Infographic]

Social media platforms comes and go. What worked in recent years may not work now (seriously, does anyone still use Periscope?). With a new year right around the corner, all marketers should take the time to research social media for 2018 and how it impacts your business. As things change, it's important to shift gears accordingly so that your message is where your potential customers are.Just like in recent years, video is predicted to continue be an important medium on social media with 80% of social media traffic being attributed to video. 87% marketers are already using video in their efforts, creating a competitive environment for all B2B and B2C industries.

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While the the popularity of video remains steadfast, the ways in which marketers create and distribute their video content on social media are what marketers will need to pay attention to. 

This infographic by Filmora highlights social media predictions for your 2018 strategy. 



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