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Natalie Sonnier

Natalie is the partner strategist at Mighty. She helps client partners identify opportunities and solutions to help grow their brands.
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Recent Posts

How Online Retailers Can Reduce Their Return Rates

Returns can erode into a retailer's profits, especially online retailers. Return rates for brick and mortar stores average around 9% whereas they can...

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Convert Your Website Visitors Into Leads With These Tips

Your company's website should be a lead generating tool. A common misconception is that placing a few "Contact Us" links on your website will serve...

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4 Things Retailers Need in Their Omni-Channel Strategy

A few years ago a marketing buzzword, omni-channel marketing, popped up. Marketing buzzwords come and go. This one is here to stay and more is...

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How Restaurant Marketers Should Use Word of Mouth

Until the advent of digital marketing, word of mouth had long been unchanged. Word of mouth is no longer simply a customer telling their neighbor...

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Capitalize on Mobile-Moments [Infographic]

While most purchases still happen in store, the smartphone's influence on the buyer's journey is too significant to be ignored. Need proof? 82% of...

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10 Quick Tips About App Retention

In 2017 an estimated 200 billion apps are predicted to be downloaded, making app development a lucrative business. In fact, mobile apps account for...

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Tips to Improve Ecommerce Conversion Rates [Infographic]

Retailers everywhere are getting ready for the biggest shopping week of the year. Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday drive...

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What's going on with Facebook?

Facebook recently announced changes and new features that will impact business pages. They also announced some errors they found in their reporting...

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Increase Holiday Sales With Your Facebook Page

The holidays are upon us once again. Each year retailers strive to maximize sales both in store and online. Facebook has evolved into a platform that...

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Instagram Shopping: What You Need to Know

Instagram recently began testing new features that allow its users to explore product information through the app and also offers an improved...

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