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Go blog or go home.


Use These Strategies to Choose Blog Topics

Choosing the right blog topic can be a daunting, time consuming task. We have a few strategies to guide you. 

Consider the problems your buyer personas are trying to solve.

You already created buyer personas, right? If not, stop what you're doing and read this. Your buyer personas should address who your ideal customers are as well as the problems they need to solve. Use those problems as a source of inspiration. Create topics that help them narrow down their focus onto the specifics of their problem or guide them to a solution.  

Where is your target audience in the buyer's journey? 

Here's why the buyer's journey is important. If it is not considered when choosing a blog topic, you run the risk of creating content that is not relevant to your audience. Consider for a moment each stage of the buyer's journey: awareness, consideration, and decision. A post aimed at someone ready to make a decision won't be relevant to someone who has just become aware of their problem. Think about where your target audience is in the buyer's journey and what content you can create that will guide them further into their journey.

What are you good at? 

Blogging about something you are passionate about makes choosing blog topics easier. Is there a skill you can teach your audience? If you are an expert on a topic that your buyer personas are researching, write a post advising or guiding them.

What blogs inspire you?

Think about the bloggers you follow. Oftentimes, they can be a source of inspiration. Chances are they are in an industry similar to yours and blog about topics that are relevant for your purposes. Look for topics that can be repurposed on your blog and tailored to your audience. 

 There you have it. Four quick and easy strategies to use when choosing blog topics. 

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