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inbound marketing

3 Powerful Charts About Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is all about bringing qualified potential customers to your website through carefully planned content. This methodology stands out because it draws in leads that are more qualified than traditional outbound marketing methods. Since its inception, inbound marketing has statistically blown traditional methods out of the water. Its ROI and effectiveness have such a good track record that three out of four marketers worldwide prioritize inbound over outbound. Here's why.

1. Inbound marketing is effective regardless of company type.

The graph below clearly shows that companies of all types have seen tremendous success. The methodology is easily customizable to each industry and their audience. 

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2. Inbound spend
 yields ROI regardless of budget size.

Companies with budgets of all sizes see significantly higher ROI from inbound marketing compared to traditional outbound marketing methods. Unlike many outbound marketing methods, inbound marketing is not a tactic exclusive to big companies with big budgets. 

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3. Inbound marketing is the preferred method by companies of 200 or fewer employees.

Along with being customizable by industry, inbound is also customizable based on company size. Meaning, you don't need a large marketing department in order to execute a good inbound strategy. In fact, it is the preferred method of marketing for many smaller businesses because it is so customizable.

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Inbound marketing works for just about anyone. It can easily be customized to your business' size, budget, and manpower. It also yields significantly higher ROI that outbound methods. The key is excuting it correctly.

To learn more about starting your own inbound marketing campaigns, check out the ebook linked below. 

Source: Hubspot

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