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Top SEO Tips for Google's 2017 Algorithm Update

Top SEO Tips for Google's 2017 Algorithm Update

By Callum Corley
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Remember watching Arnie in ‘The Terminator’ in 1984? How scary the thought was that computers would eventually take over in the future? Then again in 1999 with the end-of-the-world threat of Y2K? With each passing scare, it seems that we have dodged another bullet and can breathe easy from the threat of computer overlords!

Well, I hate to be the one to break it to you but, without us really noticing, computers have taken over not just our personal lives but our professional ones. Google can make or break your company and you need to be prepared.

Google can update its search algorithm up to 600 times a year. Regular changes are made and should be expected, which mean your marketing team needs to be on the ball to ensure your website isn’t left behind. In this blog, we will take a quick look at some changes we can expect in the second half of the year and some SEO trends you need to know about in 2017.

Fred’ is a Google update which came into effect earlier this year. ‘Fred’ targeted websites which were low on content but high on ads. The aim of the update was to help ensure that websites are as consumer friendly as possible, which works perfectly for us because we want to ensure the same! It has been proven that if you keep your website regularly updated with interesting, useful content for your target audience, you will see results in your ROI. Isn’t that so much more rewarding than some pay-for-play advertising clicks?!

Another way to stay on ‘Fred’s’ good side is to focus on the quality of your SEO links. Typically, bloggers have read that backlinks and inbound links increase your website’s SEO. However, like wine, quality is always better than quantity (unless it’s been one of those week’s, then quantity of wine always wins). The worst thing that can happen is that you go link-crazy and Google think’s you're part of a Link Scheme. Trust me, it is Marketing 101 to stay on Google’s good side…

An update Google is expected to make at the start of 2018 is Mobile-First Indexing, why not get ahead of the curve and make sure your company is ready and waiting for the change? What is the best way to ensure that you’re ready for Mobile-First Indexing? Make sure that your website is optimized for mobile displays. As we’ve written about on this blog before, the majority of people now use their mobiles to surf the internet, but most websites are still living in the age of desktop. To find out how to optimize your email marketing for mobile devices, click here

Similarly, make sure that your website isn’t at risk of incurring Mobile Interstitial Penalties. There is no more effective way to drive people away from your website than letting them open a web page on their phone, and before they can even read the title their entire screen is taken up with an advert. What’s even worse? When they can’t exit out of it without signing up for something they simply don’t want. Google understands and has started punishing websites who do this. Don’t be a burden to your website visitors, be a blessing.

Arguably the most significant change for marketers is the change Google have made to their ad-words. Google have made it easier for users to find what they are looking for in their search queries. It is no longer necessary for your keywords to match someone’s search query word-for-word. Instead, Google has implemented an ‘exact match close variants’ update.

For example: Whether searching for “marketing agencies in Mobile” or “Mobile marketing agencies,” what they want remains the same; they’re looking for a marketing agency in the Mobile area. Now, these keywords will be bringing about the same results.

Close variants’ will allow more users to connect with your website, and thus increase the potential reach of your company.

I’m sure by now you’re thinking, “What does all this mean for me”?! The key takeaway is that Google is continually evolving and adapting to improve for their users and to stop people cheating their system. As long as your company is following a well-structured, goal-orientated, and consumer focused inbound marketing strategy, Google will work with you to find potential clients.

For more information on how to build a successful inbound marketing strategy, click here.


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