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Natalie Sonnier

Natalie is the partner strategist at Mighty. She helps client partners identify opportunities and solutions to help grow their brands.
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Who, What, Where. Metrics Throughout the Sales Funnel.

You've crafted multiple campaigns that are targeted are people in various parts of the buyer's journey (awareness, consideration, and decision) in...

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Improve Your AOV Throughout the Funnel

Ecommerce marketers are usually focused on impressions, clicks, and shares. There's no denying that those metrics are important, but what about...

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10 Features Your App Should Have [Infographic]

There's no denying that mobile apps have secured their place as a staple in the digital landscape. The already profitable mobile app. market is...

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4 Reasons Marketers Fail at Inbound

Recently we noticed a Facebook ad from a company who shall remain nameless. After being served this ad several times, we decided to check it out. The...

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Lead Qualification And How It Closes More Deals

Lead qualification is an important aspect of inbound marketing but it's something that few marketers do. All too often marketers get excited about...

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Customer Acquisition Costs: What You Need to Know.

Viral growth is what every marketer hopes for but it is rarely a reality. Even with a large social media following, most platforms' algorithms work...

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5 Reasons Your Fast Casual Restaurant Should Have An App

Most people think technology only impacts the restaurant side of things through inventory management or POS systems. In reality, it has the ability...

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Your E-Commerce Site and Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is applicable to just about every industry. It works by utilizing different forms of content to attract potential customers in...

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Map Out Your Goal Metrics

To get the most out of your digital strategy, setting a goal is essential. Otherwise you're throwing darts with your eyes closed- hoping one of them...

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The Fast Casual Customer's Decision Making Process [Infographic]

Regardless of industry, the customer's decision making process generally involves the same steps. In the restaurant industry, it goes somthing like...

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