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Capitalize on Mobile-Moments [Infographic]

While most purchases still happen in store, the smartphone's influence on the buyer's journey is too significant to be ignored. Need proof? 82% of smartphone users utilize their phone to get information about a purchase they are considering. So that you can get an idea of the financial impact that 82% has on spending, according to Deloitte, 64 cents of every dollar spent in retail stores is influenced by digital. 

It is no longer a question of how important mobile is. The question marketers should ask is how do you engage mobile users throughout the buyer's journey and nurture them into making a purchase. To do this marketers should pay attention to the mobile-moments that lead a potential customer from the awareness phase to the decision phase.

digital divide.jpgImage via Deloitte

Mobile-moments represent opportunities for companies to engage with potential customers. When most potential customers begin their search, they do not have a specific brand in mind. This implies that they are in the awareness stage of the buyer's journey. Most of these searches begin with general terms such as women's blue jeans or men's winter coat. As they learn more through their search, they begin to narrow down brands and features. 

So, how does a company become part of these mobile-moments? Be where your potential customers are and be poised to help. Doing so could have a huge impact on sales. In fact, 76% of people who search on a smartphone for something nearby visit a business within a day. Of those, 28% purchase within a day.  

  • Geotargeted ads get your brand in front of someone looking for a product or product category in a specific area. Reference your buyer personas to determine the who, what, and where for these ads. 
  • Display in-store inventory information online. 6 out of 10 potential customers check online to see which stores have inventory before going to a store. 
  • Offer multiple payment and fulfillment options69% of shoppers say that it is important that a retailer offers multiple ways to buy a product, such as buying online or in-store pick-up. Also, enable people to buy easily through Android Pay, PayPal, and other platforms where their information is stored.
  • Reduce page load times. Brands have seen as much as a 2% increase in conversion rates by reducing their mobile site page load time by 4 seconds. Doing so aids in creating a seamless shopping experience whether a buyer purchases in store or orders online.
  • Resurface promotions at checkout. Buyer decision-making online is often heavily dependent on price or promotions. If shoppers have to hunt for promotions, they may abandon their cart. Avoid losing shoppers who have yet to make a purchase by providing promotions clearly at checkout.

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