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4 Simple Changes to Optimize Your Signup Forms

By Callum Corley
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98% of visitors leave your website before doing what you want them to. Whether that be making a purchase, registering for a newsletter, or signing up for a free trial.

This means that even the best of us can only expect a 2% return on all website traffic if we don't change our methods. However, it has been found that 89% of visitors will be more willing to share their personal information if they are offered something of value.

That being said, let's take a quick look at 4 simple changes we can make to ensure our signup forms look as good as possible!

1) Audience Targeting

This is as crucial in online conversion as it would be to in-store conversion. It is important to know where your customer is coming from, and what they are looking for so that you are able to optimize their conversion offer to them. Each individual is different, you should personalize your offers as much as possible.

For example, have they been referred via a different page? Are they viewing on a mobile device? Have they purchased before?

All of these factors, and more should be considered.

2) Display Types

There are numerous different display options available to your website. Banners? Pop-Ups? A full screen fly out? Knowing which is best can be difficult and will almost certainly require some testing.

However, the important thing to remember is that like point 1), be sure to personalize them as much as possible.

3) Triggers

We have all been in the situation where we find ourselves reading an incredibly interesting article on a website, only for it to be blocked by a pop-up advert. Nothing is more annoying, and it does not encourage visitors to provide you with their details.

Instead of working with a simple timed pop-up, why not set a trigger for when the reader reaches the bottom of the article? If they care enough to finish the article you are offering, they probably want to read more of your material and will care to give you their details.

4) Value

Finally, this is the most important aspect in ensuring conversion. As stated at the start of the article, a customer will feel much more inclined to offer their details if they feel they are achieving something of value for doing so.

This doesn't need to necessarily be monetary value, such as an offer or discount. Instead, it can simply be offering them exclusive content or a first-look at new offers.

For more information on customer conversion, click here.

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